Thursday, September 16, 2004

Chemtrails - It's a contrail or cloud, you idiot!

Just as I was arriving home with my son after school, he pointed up into the sky and asked me what that strange cloud was.

What he had spotted was a bright white cloud that appeared to be moving away from us, with the trailing section slowly fading. I responded that it was an aeroplane flying through very cold, wet air. The following question/answer discussion took place.

Q. Would an aeroplane engine be hot or cold.
A. Hot.

Q. What happens to water when you make it really hot.
A. It turns into clouds.

While the answers may not be totally scientifically correct, the basic theory is. If a 6 year old can understand where a contrail comes from, why do so many adults see non-existent conspiracies?

I made sure that we came back outside to have a look at the same cloud later to see what effect time and the wind had had on it. Well what do you know? It looks exactly like one of those "chemtrails" that we hear so much about.
I'm just annoyed that I forgot to take a photo of it. I'll try to do that next time.
A six year old can put 2 and 2 together and come up with 4.
A consiracy theorist puts 2 and 2 together and can't tell you the answer because knowing the truth could endanger your life as the government and those who control it continue to hide the truth in their unending secret plan, that only true conspiracy researchers have managed to uncover through de-coding some of their secret documents that they are trying to hide from the general public for fear that they may be exposed as the being under the control of multinational companies who are in turn controlled by a few ruthless individuals who effectively control the whole of the worlds supply of oil, money and food, whom are more interested in blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm sure you get the picture.


At 10:20 AM, Blogger John Stone said...

Nice blogs Kevin ... actually the air at 30,000 feet can be very dry and you still get contrails. The exhaust of the engines contains a lot of water ...

You must listen to Art Bell too. I like him best when he is accepting an award from Steve Allen -- The Snuffed Candle Award ....

At 6:17 AM, Blogger Proverbs 12:10 said...

Study your physics pal.


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